Acest produs este publicat la data de 12-04-2024 si vandut de Libris. Vanzatorul isi asuma corectitudinea datelor publicate.
Adopt a vegetarian keto lifestyle with this beginner-friendly guide. For vegetarians and veggie-lovers alike, the traditionally meat-heavy ketogenic diet can feel unattainable. This vegetarian ketogenic cookbook empowers you to easily and confidently transition to a vegetarian keto diet with all the recipes and knowledge you need to be successful. By unlocking the protein-packed potential of vegetables and other meat-free foods, this book seamlessly combines the benefits of the lacto-ovo vegetarian and ketogenic diets to help you live healthier.
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Ai cumparat Vegetarian Ketogenic Cookbook for Beginners: 75 Recipes and a 14-Day Meal Plan for Healthy Living - Alicia Shevetone sau detii deja produsul? Fii primul care isi spune parerea pe BookMaster.
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