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Trianon Trianon! A Century of Political Revisionist Mythology

97.0 RON

Acest produs este publicat la data de 30-09-2023 si vandut de BookZone. Vanzatorul isi asuma corectitudinea datelor publicate.

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Descriere Trianon Trianon! A Century of Political Revisionist Mythology

Trianon, Trianon! A Century of Political Revisionist Mythology There is still enough space on the globe for everyone to live in peace. We are the largest and the most solid people in this Southeast Europe for us not to look towards the future with confidence. And in order to lighten the road ahead, we do not need to mystify the past. On the contrary. Isn’t it wiser to reconcile with history’s verdict and get along with each other? - David Prodan, Transylvania and Again Transylvania, 1992 Table of Contents: • Vasile Puscas: Foreword • Gabriel-Virgil Rusu: From the Idea of Nation to the Establishing of Nation-States (until the First World War) • Dumitru Preda: The Diplomatic and Military Factors in the Achievement and International Recognition of Romanian Union • Tudor Salantiu: Operationalization of Outcomes Features from the Versailles System • Vasile Puscas, Vasile Vesa: Romanian Public Opinion on the Paris Peace Treaties (First Interwar Decade) • Mariana-Narcisa Radu, Codruta-Stefania Jucan-Popovici: The Principle of Nationalities and the Trianon Treaty • Veronica Turcus: The Avatars of the Recovery of the Archival Patrimony from the Territories United to Romania, after the Trianon Treaty • Serban Turcus: The Holy See and the Disavowal of the Doctrine of the Holy Crown of Hungary in the Context of the Treaty of Trianon (Documents Dating from 1919-1921) • Florin Abraham: The Trianon Treaty and Revisionist Political Mythology. Traditional and Recent Approaches • Ionel N. Sava: From Political Nostalgia to Cultural Trauma. Hungary’s European Dilemma a Hundred Years After Trianon • Vasile Sebastian Dancu: Illiberalism and the Trianon Syndrome. The Orban Regime and the Support of Ethnic Parallelism in Transylvania • Vasile Puscas: Trianon, Trianon! (Afterword) • Inde

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  • Takimata ea clita labore amet ipsum erat justo voluptua. Nonumy.
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+4 0748 400 200


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