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The Light We Carry : Overcoming In Uncertain Times

75.15 RON

Acest produs este publicat la data de 29-11-2024 si vandut de BookZone. Vanzatorul isi asuma corectitudinea datelor publicate.

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Descriere The Light We Carry : Overcoming In Uncertain Times

THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERTHE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERHer life. Her learnings. Her toolkit to live boldly. How do we build enduring and honest relationships?What tools do we use to address feelings of self-doubt?What do we do when it all starts to feel like too much? In her bestselling follow-up to the worldwide phenomenon Becoming, Michelle Obama shares practical wisdom and insightful reflections to help us consider the important questions that many of us wrestle with. Drawing from her experiences as a mother, daughter, spouse, friend, and First Lady, she explores how we find inner strength; create and deepen relationships with others; and better protect and strengthen ourselves. In doing so, she shares the tools, habits and principles that she has developed to successfully adapt to change, like starting kind , going high , and assembling a kitchen table of trusted friends and mentors. With trademark humour, candour, and compassion, and a powerful blend of fresh stories and profound advice, The Light We Carry will inspire readers to identify their sources of gladness, connect meaningfully, and remain hopeful and balanced in a turbulent world. Praise for The Light We Carry:‘Honest, funny, wise and perceptive’ The Times‘Obama is so disarmingly honest . . . You can’t argue with the hard-fought wisdom of such an accomplished woman’ Guardian‘The soothing balm we all need’ Grazia‘Deeply personal and hugely inspirational’ O Quarterl

Additional Information

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  • Amet kasd gubergren sit sanctus et lorem eos sadipscing at.
  • Duo amet accusam eirmod nonumy stet et et stet eirmod.
  • Takimata ea clita labore amet ipsum erat justo voluptua. Nonumy.
  • Sit erat duo lorem duo ea consetetur, et eirmod takimata.
  • Amet kasd gubergren sit sanctus et lorem eos sadipscing at.
  • Duo amet accusam eirmod nonumy stet et et stet eirmod.
  • Takimata ea clita labore amet ipsum erat justo voluptua. Nonumy.
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