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Storing and Preserving Garden Produce For Dummies | Pammy Riggs

98.5 RON

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John Wiley And Sons Ltd

Descriere Storing and Preserving Garden Produce For Dummies | Pammy Riggs

Growing your own food is more popular than ever. But what do you do if you find yourself with a glut of beans, peas or carrots? How can you make the most of your garden produce and cut down on those trips to the supermarket? This book provides everything you need to make your home-grown produce last, covering fruit, vegetables, herbs and even eggs. Storing and Preserving Garden Produce For Dummies: * Covers the main methods of storing and preserving, such as clamping, cool storage, freezing, drying, salting, pickling, fermenting and preserving with sugar * Includes information on a huge range of produce - almost everything you could ever want to grow in your back garden * Explains what methods of storing and preserving are most suitable for each item of produce * Also contains a wealth of recipes to help you on your way to making the perfect jams, chutneys and pickles About the Author Pammy Riggs is a well-respected figure in the farming and food industry. She owns and runs the award winning Providence Farm in Devon and has been a hands-on farmer and small-scale food producer for over 20 years. She has taught a variety of food related courses around the UK, including the poultry-keeping course at River Cottage. She is the author of Keeping Chickens For Dummies and is a columnist for Country Smallholding magazine.

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  • Duo amet accusam eirmod nonumy stet et et stet eirmod.
  • Takimata ea clita labore amet ipsum erat justo voluptua. Nonumy.
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  • Amet kasd gubergren sit sanctus et lorem eos sadipscing at.
  • Duo amet accusam eirmod nonumy stet et et stet eirmod.
  • Takimata ea clita labore amet ipsum erat justo voluptua. Nonumy.
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