Acest produs este publicat la data de 30-09-2023 si vandut de Carturesti. Vanzatorul isi asuma corectitudinea datelor publicate.
Since Ararat in 1990, Louise Gluck has been exploring a form of her own invention, the book-length sequence which combines worldly dramas and ecstatic utterance, a literal world and the worlds of legend and myth that impart meaning or irony to our ways of life, love and separation. Vita Nova exists in a long moment of spring, of deaths and beginnings. The verse is far-seeing, written in the elected shadow of Dante. Gluck brings her subjects into sharp focus: the smallest human hopes in the light of the vast forces that shape and thwart them.
Eos no lorem eirmod diam diam, eos elitr et gubergren diam sea. Consetetur vero aliquyam invidunt duo dolores et duo sit. Vero diam ea vero et dolore rebum, dolor rebum eirmod consetetur invidunt sed sed et, lorem duo et eos elitr, sadipscing kasd ipsum rebum diam. Dolore diam stet rebum sed tempor kasd eirmod. Takimata kasd ipsum accusam sadipscing, eos dolores sit no ut diam consetetur duo justo est, sit sanctus diam tempor aliquyam eirmod nonumy rebum dolor accusam, ipsum kasd eos consetetur at sit rebum, diam kasd invidunt tempor lorem, ipsum lorem elitr sanctus eirmod takimata dolor ea invidunt.
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