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Mondrian and his Studios - Colour in Space | Francesco Manacorda, Michael White

110.0 RON

Acest produs este publicat la data de 30-09-2023 si vandut de Carturesti. Vanzatorul isi asuma corectitudinea datelor publicate.

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Tate Publishing

Descriere Mondrian and his Studios - Colour in Space | Francesco Manacorda, Michael White

Mondrian s relevance has not only to do with his pioneering role in the definition and conceptualisation of abstraction, but also with the complex relationship between his artworks, the space around them and the belief that they were conceived to inspire. His studios in Amsterdam, Paris and New York reflect different stages of the painter s way of thinking and of his intentions. Each was designed to allow the artist to perform a clearly defined intellectual and social role. As well as focussing on his studios, the book also explores Mondrian s broader relationship with architecture and urbanism, particularly through a comparison of his earlier Parisian works and those made in the frenetic modern cityscape of New York. Many of Mondrian s best-known Neo-Plasticism works will be included in full colour, along with a plethora of images of the artist in his studio. Inlcudes an essay by Hans Janssen and a trialogue conversation between Hans Janssen, Michael White and Nancy Troy.

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  • Duo amet accusam eirmod nonumy stet et et stet eirmod.
  • Takimata ea clita labore amet ipsum erat justo voluptua. Nonumy.
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