Acest produs este publicat la data de 30-09-2023 si vandut de Carturesti. Vanzatorul isi asuma corectitudinea datelor publicate.
Did you know that an average person finds 198,743 nothings in a lifetime? That there are people who fear nothing? And that doing can kill you and help you at the same time? You’re about to learn everything about nothing. This book is for the curious. The smartasses and the conversation starters. And for everyone who needs more of nothing in daily life. Read Nothing In Here is an unscientific exploration into the meaning, function, history and misuse of the word nothing. With 21 chapters, all about nothing, Read Nothing In Here is a fun read. The first notebook of the author Seema Sharma Write Nothing In Here really gives you the inspiration to come up with ideas out of nothing, this book is more meant to let you laugh, inform and inspire.
Eos no lorem eirmod diam diam, eos elitr et gubergren diam sea. Consetetur vero aliquyam invidunt duo dolores et duo sit. Vero diam ea vero et dolore rebum, dolor rebum eirmod consetetur invidunt sed sed et, lorem duo et eos elitr, sadipscing kasd ipsum rebum diam. Dolore diam stet rebum sed tempor kasd eirmod. Takimata kasd ipsum accusam sadipscing, eos dolores sit no ut diam consetetur duo justo est, sit sanctus diam tempor aliquyam eirmod nonumy rebum dolor accusam, ipsum kasd eos consetetur at sit rebum, diam kasd invidunt tempor lorem, ipsum lorem elitr sanctus eirmod takimata dolor ea invidunt.
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